Monday, February 23, 2009

House of Ruth Gets Glamorous

This Valentines day, I had the opportunity to share some love, in the form of makeovers, with some amazing women at The House of Ruth. The House of Ruth is a shelter, located in Baltimore, for women who have been victims of domestic violence.

When I was first asked if I would be interested in coming to the shelter and doing some of the ladie's makeup, I saw the potential for a fantastic event. I rounded up some of my fellow makeup artists and some hair stylists and we had an absolutely fabulous beautifying time. What really made the event, though, is the lovely photography stylings from Mary Gardella with Love Life Images ( Mary documented the whole event and did private photo shoots with all 15 women who participated. Because all of the women living at the shelter must remain anonymous for their safety, I don't have any pictures of the actually makeovers, but I still got some really great shots of the experience. I also have Mary's blog listed under "Who I Love".

Everyone had a great time and looked absolutely beautiful. I think it was the perfect confidence inspiring Valentines event. Thank you to everyone who participated.


Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel said...

What an awesome way to use your skills to help women who wouldn't normally get pampered! How inspiring.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Amy, we have been working with victims of sex trafficking in our area...maybe we could talk about doing something similar? Then you could meet Melissa who owns Zerabella's. Love you guys!